I was ‘lucky’ enough to get a golden ticket for the Virgin London Marathon after entering 5 years of trying.
The reason being I wanted to run a marathon for three reasons…..
- In memory or our wonderful step dad Kevin Hobba
- In support of my little sister Victoria and Domestic Violence
- For myself. To prove at 45, I could run a marathon
I have two fundraising pages. One is for First Light Domestic Violence (in support of my sister Victoria) and the other for Mount Edgecumbe Hospice (in memory of my stepdad Kevin)
Whilst I have ran for years, I am more a short and fast runner with 10k’s being my go to distance. The thought of running the London marathon has always terrified me but has always been on my bucket list. I have entered the ballot for 5 consecutive years and this year I struck it lucky (if that’s what you call it)
I must admit, the training is tough. Im (currently) 44, have 2 ‘dodgy’ knees that have undergone two operations and are constantly strapped up when training and running around London for 26 miles does not fill me with joy if I’m brutally honest. However, all that aside I am very passionate about helping to contribute towards my two chosen charities as they have had a massive impact on my family’s lives.
Feel free to read my story for each charity and the reasons as to why I chose each one.